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Outreach in an Age of Social Distancing

By April 9, 2020Uncategorized

Written by David Hulme

Some wisdom adapted from various sources:

  • Be informed and safe – Stay current on safety guidelines and observe ALL guidelines. Be mindful of your safety and the safety of others.
  • Form a leadership team – Select gifted, ministry-minded people to help in leadership, decision making, and coordination. The job is too big for one person.
  • Form a communications team – This ensures consistent and reliable information from your church or leadership team because it’s from one source; not multiple sources. Keep people informed, but don’t overload them with information.
  • Be a ministry-friendly church – Reduce or eliminate barriers that hinder the church’s ability to conduct ministry, such as multiple levels of approval.
  • Don’t try to take on too much – You don’t necessarily need to start a bunch of new ministries. Focus on what you already do well.
  • Find out what other organizations are doing – Diversity of ministry and services is important. Instead of duplicating services or ministries, look at partnering with other churches or groups to maximize resources
  • Pace yourself – It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Take steps to care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
  • Be flexible – Don’t get hung up on the way you’ve always done things. Be open and able to pivot in a different direction if necessary.


“Caring for Neighbors – From a Distance”

“Ten Guidelines for Pastoral Care During the Coronavirus Outbreak”

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