Written by Todd McClure, Minister of Missions and Finance
The Missionary Internship Program provides individuals with the opportunity to explore their long-term calling to missions by pairing them up with a long-term missionary partner for a three to six-week internship. In addition to their international experience, they have the opportunity to participate in several training events on the topics of mission theology, culture, conflict resolution and much, much more. Last year’s pilot group of interns spent their summers in Mexico, India and Lebanon and they provided very helpful feedback on how the program could be improved. Those improvements were made and six more interns were chosen to participate in this year’s program.
Over the last six months, Becca Martin, Bree Fleming, Kali Wilkinson, Beth Perry, Shyra Freeman and Emily Fordyce devoted several evenings a month to preparing for their respective internships this summer. Their training was coordinated by Todd McClure, Minister of Missions and Finance, and included several area directors and global servants from International Ministries. Also new to this year’s program was a partnership with Midwest Ministry Development, which administered crosscultural adaptability, conflict resolution and personality testing. Each of these tests are something that would be required if any one of these girls decided to pursue full-time missions any further.
At the start of the program, nobody could have imagined COVID-19 would bring international travel to a halt. However, because that became the case, it became increasingly clear both for the safety of our interns and their respective destinations, their plans for international travel would need to be canceled. Becca was planning to spend her summer in the Philippines, Bree in Myanmar, Kali in Mexico, Beth in Japan and Shyra and Emily in Honduras. While many of the decisions were made by international travel restrictions, others had to be made just out of respect and concern for the communities where they would be serving.
One of the primary lessons taught throughout the program was the need to remain flexible. That lesson was definitely realized with this year’s group. Our prayer is that God opens a door in the near future for each of these girls to finish their internship. If not, they will be allowed to participate in next year’s internship program and will have already completed several of the requirements.
One thing COVID-19 has reminded us is the harvest remains plentiful and the laborers remain few, and we need more individuals, like these girls, who are willing go into the harvest. Please join us in praying God that continues to guide each of them and that He continues to raise up even more individuals who are willing to go and reach the world with the good news of the Gospel.