Be in prayer for each of our missionary interns this summer. Over the past six months, they have participated in various training sessions and have each raised the necessary support for their individual ministry contexts. We are excited to see what God does in and through them this summer as they seek to discern how God may use them in missions long-term.

Name: Abigail Harman
Location: Beirut, Lebanon
Dates: June 13 – July 26, 2019
Working with: Sarah Chetti
Latest Update:
This was my first week really getting into my work and life here. On Sunday I was at the center after church until the evening, and I visited the Sri Lankan church with their memorial service for the woman I asked for prayer for. I have been asked to teach English to some of the Sri Lankan church ladies so I may see her again. Please pray for that to go well, I will be teaching ladies with varying levels of English experience from completely different language backgrounds from Arabic to Tamil and Sinhala (two dialects from the Indian diaspora in Sri Lanka. Sinhala being one scholars have argued as one of the oldest languages still spoken today from Northern India and Tamil from a different dialect and ethnic group entirely also originally from India and now in Sri Lanka).
Monday was my first Arabic class…
(If you would like to read more, email us and we will place you on Abigail’s mailing list).

Name: Cortney Belcher
Location: Puebla, Mexico
Dates: June 22 – July 29, 2019
Working with: Keith and Debbie Myers
Latest Update:
No update yet.
(If you would like to read more, follow Cortney’s updates on Facebook).

Name: Jenni Rosenberger
Location: Puebla, Mexico
Dates: June 22- July 29, 2019
Working with: Keith and Debbie Myers
Latest Update:
Mexico Week 1: Life is all about living in the moment and loving those around you. This past week has been so full of joy and adventure. From the beauty in God’s creation to the laughter in the children’s voices, it has been such an experience to see how greatly God is working here in Mexico. One of the biggest things I’ve learned this week is that the people here may not always have it all but they will always give their all. My prayer is that I will have the same attitude in everything that I do all for the glory of God. Here’s to seeing what God has in store over these next 4 weeks!
(If you would like to read more, follow Jenni’s updates on Facebook).

Name: Taylor Huffman
Location: Tura, India
Dates: June 27 – July 18, 2019
Working with: Garo Baptist Convention
Latest Update:
Yesterday teaching at the nursing school went very well, praise the lord! We were able to teach them how to do the heimlick maneuver and CPR. Now if they ever come across a situation where they may need to do this they will know where to start. I thank God that they were able to understand us with our accents and that the class went well.
This morning we went to the hospital and helped some in the maternity ward. We got to watch them give the newborns their immunizations. It was very interesting to watch. Later today we will be going back to teach the nursing students the history of nursing and also talk about sanitation. I pray that God gives us the words to say today and that it all goes well just like it did yesterday! I want to thank him for this amazing experience I have had the opportunity to encounter!
(If you would like to read more, follow Taylor’s updates on Facebook).
As Missions Chairman of my local church I think this resource will be
helpful in my responsibilities . Thank you
Many thanks!