Written by Frank Miller
Joe and Peg Greenlee are two incredible servants. Not only do they still continue to serve their church, the Charleston Baptist Temple (Kanawha Valley), but they also continue to serve our West Virginia Baptist Convention (WVBC) family by investing in the people and projects at Parchment Valley Conference Center. Anyone who has visited Parchment Valley has certainly been impacted by their legacy.
The Greenlee’s have a great love for Parchment Valley, and they were very instrumental in the Vision 2000 Capital Campaign that helped establish much of what we see at Parchment Valley today. Specifically, they helped plan and build the Greenlee Activity Center, which is utilized year-around to host our children’s rallies, Golden’eers’ conferences, WVBC training events, youth retreats, sports camps and many other activities. By the grace of God and many dedicated volunteers, the building was built three years ahead of schedule. Reflecting back on the fact that more than a thousand youth were using the facility before the contractor was even finished, Joe replied, “We just couldn’t wait!”
Now in the year 2020, another year of vision for us, Joe and Peg continue to be involved in many aspects of Parchment Valley. Recently, Joe and I attended one of the West Virginia American Baptist Men’s Prayer Breakfasts, and I asked Joe, “Looking back, would you and Peg have done anything different?” To which Joe replied, “Absolutely not! We are now enjoying the blessings of Vision 2000 and are thankful for all those that volunteered and supported the hard work.”
Another ministry of Parchment Valley that the Greenlee’s have had an impact on is Brothers’ Keeper (BK). Celebrating our 20th year this summer, BK 2020 is sure to be a major success! One of the primary reasons for our success is volunteers like Joe, who give of their time, wisdom and experience to serve the Jackson County community. Every year, crew chiefs like Joe help instruct their teams to build according to plan and then help share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the homeowner(s). Through BK, we have seen several enter into a relationship with Jesus.
Many people were involved in Vision 2000 and we, at Parchment Valley, continue to reap the benefits of their sacrifice. It is because of individuals like Joe and Peg Greenlee, and their commitment to doing Christ’s work together, that we have a place ‘where lives are changed in Christ our Lord.”