Written by Keith Myers
A couple of years ago, on a friend’s recommendation, I began reading, When Helping Hurts, by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert. Little did I know, that upon completion of the second chapter, our ministry in Mexico would embark on a profound, yet simplistic shift that would comprise, not only our CICEM (Council of Rural Indigenous Evangelicals of Mexico) churches, but be an extension of the entirety of our relationships as believers in Jesus Christ. It is no secret that at the root of creation, we were created for relationship. Our primary relationship, as believers, is the vertical one between us and God. The other three horizontal relationships exist between us and our own self, us and other humans and finally, between us and the rest of creation. Where humanity failed in disobedience, Christ redeemed hope for these relationships in His death, burial and resurrection.
In regard to relationships, this past spring and summer, Deb and I had the privilege of being part of the West Virginia Baptist Convention’s (WVBC) missionary intern program by hosting two interns for five weeks. Additionally, engaging with teams from Fairmont State University Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM), Alderson Broaddus University, Oakwood Baptist Church (Kanawha Valley), hosting two young women from Sabraton Baptist Church (Goshen) as well as Boyden and Baillie bringing a team from their university, BIOLA. Our hope of these relational encounters is building a bridge between cultures. We invite folks to appreciate the primary question in our ministry, which is not “how can we help?” At the root of our ministry is the question, “how do we embrace the people and their culture?” It’s a subtle shift in our missional mentality that puts the relationship first.
There is not sufficient space to identify each of the impactful ministries that took place this summer; however, WVBC churches served as an integral part of embracing the people of our CICEM family and for that we are grateful. Our teaching and preaching is always undergirded with the idea of the restoration of these fundamental relationships. The connections we have with our brothers and sisters in West Virginia are essential in developing a deeper connection with of our brothers and sisters here in Mexico. We ask for your continual prayers and financial support as we attempt to embrace the call of God in our lives.