Happy Thanksgiving everyone! A couple of years ago I preached a sermon at a Community Thanksgiving service titled, “Thanksgiving, Thanksliving!” I know that I fail to live out my thanks to God often, but I have so much to be thankful for, so I try to live out that thanks each day. I realize that my point of view may be a bit biased, since the West Virginia Baptist Convention is my employer, but I am so thankful for so many of our ministries that have impacted my family and I in so many wonderful ways that have allowed us to grow in our faith in Christ.
I am thankful because I consider myself, my family, and the ministries that God has blessed me with, as products of the WVBC family pouring into us. When God called me into pastoral ministry about 15 years ago, I knew that I needed training and I did not know where to turn to get it. I was busy with my secular job, working many hours, and I didn’t have the time to pursue traditional seminary education at that time, but I was introduced to the West Virginia Baptist Convention School of Christian Studies, where I was able to earn a Diploma in Pastoral Ministry over the next few years. This opportunity was a wonderful way to learn and to make me want to continue learning. When God opened the opportunity for me to become a full-time pastor, I was blessed with the opportunity to enroll in Palmer Seminary’s WV program held at the WVBC Conference Center at Parchment Valley in Ripley. I was blessed to graduate a few years ago, and now I am enrolled in the Palmer WV Doctor of Ministry program.
The West Virginia Baptist Camp at Cowen has certainly been a blessing for the Arkell family as well! My wife, Becky, and I were not “Cowen kids” growing up, but we have been blessed to be able to be “Cowen adults,” as we have had the pleasure of volunteering as camp counselors for a week over the last several years. Our children have loved each camp they have attended and grown each year at that special place “where people meet Jesus!” My oldest daughter, Bailey, participated in the WVBC Youth Leadership Core (YLC) as a high school sophomore, where she spent five weekends with some wonderful people pouring into her to help her grow into the leader that God has called her to be, and now our youngest daughter, Carlie, is enjoying this experience as she is preparing for her third YLC weekend soon. Bailey is in her Freshman year at Marshall University, and I cannot express what a blessing it is to see her participate and grow in her faith at our Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM), and through her ITeam (small group) that she meets with each week on campus. It is amazing that God gives BCM the opportunity to reach out to over 60,000 students on many different college campuses across WV, focusing on “Changing Lives that Change the World!”
So, whether I reflect on these events, or the many other trainings, conferences, retreats, times of pastoral support that I have received, scholarships that have covered most of my educational expenses, youth rally’s, etc., I am extremely thankful for my West Virginia Baptist family that God has blessed the Arkell’s with over these years! Thank You, Lord, for allowing us to gather together as one big family across West Virginia, as we continue, “Doing Christ’s Work Together!” May your hearts overflow with thankfulness to God as He continues to allow your cups to overflow with His blessings! May we all turn our Thanksgiving into Thanksliving!
In Christ,
Evan Arkell