Written by J.D. Reed
“Convulsions”…That is how Bolivians would describe the recent political situations in their country, and frankly in all of North and South America in recent days. Late last October, the National elections for President were held, and the incumbent, Evo Morales, was running for a fourth (constitutionally illegal and democratically opposed) term as president. He had been in the office for 14+ years. If you asked people on the street, they would say that he had done some positive things, but it was time for a democratic change. After the election, it was widely proven that there was electoral fraud by his party to maintain their power, and a national civic strike began. In Santa Cruz, it was a very non-violent peaceful protest, but in other parts of Bolivia, it would be much more tense as the supporters of the president and his party lashed out at the opposition. The strike literally shut-down the country and would last three weeks, and it seemed that there was no end in sight. During this time, due to a number of reasons, both ourselves and International Ministries felt it best for us to return to the states until things stabilized. Then November 9, the President resigned and fled to Mexico. Soon after, based on the report of outside governments and auditors, the election was annulled and it was announced that another would be held on May 3rd, 2020.
In the days since, we are pleased to share that many positive things have happened. The interim President Janine Añez (who was the next in line after many in the president’s party resigned) has become the second female president in the history of Bolivia and she has wasted no time getting things ready for the new election. Many positive steps have been made to bring healing to the country and prepare for the next election to be free and fair for all the world to see. One change that has been a wonderful blessing to the ministry of the Fundación Proyecto de Esperanza (formerly known as the House of Hope) is that the government has lifted the need for visas for US citizens in an effort to open opportunities for tourism. They are also pursuing re-establishing a US Ambassador in the country for the first time in twelve years.
We (the Reed family and Sarah Nash) want to say thank you for all your prayers during this time. The ministry of FPE is back to normal and we are looking forward to a busy 2020. In Mid-December we were able to purchase a 30 passenger bus — a goal that we have been working towards for two years — to help us do Mobile Medical and Dental Clinics as well as provide transportation for teams. We are eagerly awaiting to see what will come of the new elections this year, but we are sure that whatever happens, the ministry of Fundación Proyecto de Esperanza will continue partnering with churches, pastors and ministry leaders to make a difference and provide the hope of Christ to people in Cochabamba and Santa Cruz.