On January 4th, the Executive Board approved perhaps the first Convention budget in a decade that does not anticipate the need to draw from reserves.
In his address at October’s Annual Meeting, Executive Minister Mike Sisson provided us with an updated account of Convention finances. In his address, he shared of how the continual use of reserves over the last decade had essentially exhausted our reserves. Over the past two years, extensive work has been done to address this issue – reducing Convention expenses by nearly $170,000, improving our communication to better share the stories of what God is doing through our Convention, and the setup of a new, easier-to-use online giving platform. As part of the Vision 2020, a challenge was made for 2000 individuals to help “hold the rope” for our ministries by committing to $20 per month. Since our Annual Meeting, individuals have given over $20,000, which is equivalent to 84 rope holders.
While this is an encouraging start that brings into view the possibility of a fully-funded ministry budget, we still have a long way to go. We need many more rope holders to join us. For example, if only 200 more people sign up to hold the rope, we project this year’s budget would be fully funded without the need of reserves. And if 2000 people signup to hold the rope, then we will not only fund our current budget, but we will go a long way toward building a financial base for our next decade of ministry together.
How does God want you to participate? Has your life been impacted by the ministries of the West Virginia Baptist Convention in any way? Consider becoming a rope holder to help us invest in the next generation. By partnering with us at $20 per month, you enable us to continue doing Christ’s work together.