Lead Pastor (Part-Time) – 013
Description: Responsibilities include preaching on Sundays and Wednesdays, providing leadership to the congregation, visiting and comforting the sick, shut-in and bereaved, officiating special services (baptisms, weddings, funerals, etc.), being a liaison to the WV Baptist Convention, WV Baptist Camp at Cowen and other partner ministries, and developing a vision (or plan) for the Church to show spiritual growth and membership growth.
Location: Princeton area
Congregation Size: Medium
Commitment Expectations: Part-time
Salary: TBD
Benefits: Parsonage
Associate Pastor for Families (Full-Time) – 012
Description: Responsibilities include working closely with the senior pastor to survey the needs of our families, develop and supervise programs to benefit young families, single parents, children, youth, young adults and senior adults.
Location: Charleston area
Congregation Size: Small
Commitment Expectations: Full-time
Salary: TBD
Benefits: TBD
Minister of Youth (Part-Time) – 011
Description: Responsibilities include participating in and leading youth to participate in Sunday School, worship and other congregational meetings. They are also for planning and organizing youth programming, and recruiting volunteers to assist.
Location: Milton area
Congregation Size: Medium
Commitment Expectations: Part-time
Salary: TBD
Benefits: TBD
Director of Music (Part-Time) – 010
Description: Responsibilities include providing leadership for all choirs and special music groups, coordinating music programs and administering the service of praise to God.
Location: Beckley area
Congregation Size: Medium
Commitment Expectations: Part-time
Salary: TBD
Benefits: None
Pastor of Student Ministries (Full-Time) – 009
Description: Responsibilities include leading and organizing effective youth programs for all 6th-12th grade students of the church. Duties include implementing fellowship, worship, Biblical teaching, discipleship and evangelism, as well as ministry and mission opportunities. This will include Sunday school, student Sunday evening worship, student Wednesday evening Bible study, and other activities such as student retreats, WV Baptist Camp at Cowen and Convention activities.
Location: Hurricane area
Congregation Size: Large
Commitment Expectations: Full-time
Salary: TBD
Benefits: TBD
Youth Director (Part-Time) – 008
Description: Responsibilities include developing and leading an active youth ministry, including the recruitment of volunteers. The church might be open to a combination children/youth position.
Location: Marion County
Congregation Size: Small
Commitment Expectations: Part-time
Salary: TBD
Benefits: TBD
Senior Pastor (Full-Time) – 007
Description: In addition to Sunday services, responsibilities include overseeing the church in weekly Bible studies, ministries and outreach activities. Other responsibilities include providing support to those seeing counsel and/or guidance, and visitation to shut-ins and the sick. The pastor is expected to interact with the various church boards, as well as to appreciate the importance of our history and traditions.
Location: Charleston area
Congregation Size: Medium
Commitment Expectations: Full-time
Salary: TBD
Benefits: TBD
Pastor to Youth (Part-Time) – 006
Description: Responsibilities include working with, and ministering to the youth in the church with a focus on junior and senior high youth. Opportunity to fill the pulpit as needed.
Location: Jackson County
Congregation Size: Large
Commitment Expectations: Part-time
Salary: $1,000 per month
Benefits: TBD
Pastor (Full-Time) – 005
Description: Responsibilities include preaching , visitation, pastoral care and helping the church grow.
Location: Barbour County
Congregation Size: Small
Commitment Expectations: Full-time
Salary: TBD
Benefits: TBD
Student Ministries Pastor (Full-Time) – 004
Description: Responsibilities include working with students from grades seven through twelve, as well as assisting students transitioning into their post-high school lives. We desire for our student ministries to model the Great Commission’s imperatives to both “go” and “make.” The success of this ministry will not be realized by building a dynamic ministry and expecting people to come. To this end, the Pastor of Student Ministries will spend significant time in our local schools to build relationships as a beginning step in making disciples.
Location: Parkersburg area
Congregation Size: Large
Commitment Expectations: Full-time
Salary: $30,000-$35,000
Benefits: Paid vacation and sabbaticals, health insurance
Senior Pastor (Part-Time) – 003
Description: Responsibilities include being a bi-vocational leader of small congregation and a Godly example for a small community.
Location: Huntington area
Congregation Size: Small
Commitment Expectations: Part-time
Salary: TBD
Benefits: Parsonage or a housing allowance
Church Pianist (Part-Time) – 002
Description: Responsibilities include playing piano/keyboard on Sunday mornings for the choir, congregational music and soloists. The pianist will also play for choir rehearsals on Wednesday nights and may be requested for other special events.
Location: Charleston area
Congregation Size: Medium
Commitment Expectations: Part-time (3 hours per week)
Salary: TBD
Benefits: None
Music Director (Part-Time) – 001
Description: Responsibilities include supervising, planning, promoting, implementing and evaluation and approved comprehensive program of music for the church.
Location: Charleston area
Congregation Size: Medium
Commitment Expectations: Part-time (Sunday and Wednesday services that include practice time as needed)
Salary: TBD
Benefits: None