West Virginia Baptist Convention https://www.wvbc.org/ Wed, 19 Feb 2025 18:53:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 206891257 West Virginia Flooding Update https://www.wvbc.org/news/wv-flooding/ https://www.wvbc.org/news/wv-flooding/#respond Tue, 18 Feb 2025 11:30:38 +0000 https://www.wvbc.org/?p=6686 The post West Virginia Flooding Update appeared first on West Virginia Baptist Convention.


Updated February 19, 2025

The WV AB Men Disaster Relief Team and the WVBC wanted to provide an update on our disaster relief efforts in southern West Virginia. The WV AB Men Disaster Relief team has been in direct contact with pastors of association churches in Mingo, Wyoming and McDowell counties as they are experiencing the effects of the most devastating flooding in decades. We have also talked to state officials, local emergency management and leaders of other disaster relief organizations to coordinate a response. Last night, our disaster relief team provided $2,700 worth of supplies to one of our churches in McDowell County in the form of propane heaters and propane tanks.

Need for financial donations and supplies. Every area is different and the needs across these areas are changing on a daily, if not hourly, basis. Right now, we would request monetary donations so that we can continue to meet the needs of area pastors in the hardest hit areas. While supply drives have their place, many of our churches do not have the physical space to store an influx of items. Currently, it will be more efficient to deliver to them exactly the supplies they are asking for as all of these counties currently have a central location where most supplies can be picked up by residents and churches in need. We would like to be able to purchase the supplies that are not available at those locations or those that are in short supply and get them onsite quickly.

Other opportunities including volunteering will be coming. Please continue to watch for Convention emails or Facebook posts for those. If you have people interested in volunteering, please send your contact information to disasterrelief@wvbc.org.  Most of all, please be in prayer for those affected and those that are out in the field helping to serve. We do this in the name of Christ with the hope that His love will be shown through our actions.

Ways to give:

  • Send a check to the West Virginia Baptist Convention, PO Box 1019, Parkersburg, WV 26102
  • Give online and select “WV Flood Relief” from the drop-down on the right.
  • Give through remittances to the WVBC under Miscellaneous Objectives by writing “WV Flooding”

If you are a church in an affected area and a need help, or if you have members of your congregation interested in volunteering in the days and weeks to come, please reach out to our new disaster relief email address (disasterrelief@wvbc.org) or contact either of our disaster relief leaders.

Additional Contact Information for WV AB Men Disaster Relief:

Mickey Skeens, Director

Eric Campbell, Assistant Director

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Engaging Mental Health Study https://www.wvbc.org/news/mental-health/ https://www.wvbc.org/news/mental-health/#respond Fri, 25 Oct 2024 12:43:03 +0000 https://www.wvbc.org/?p=5922 The post Engaging Mental Health Study appeared first on West Virginia Baptist Convention.


Small Group Bible Study

We have worked with some individuals within our WVBC family to develop a small group Bible study for churches on the topic of mental health. Each of the four videos acts as one session and includes discussion questions at the end of each video.  Participants are encouraged to pause the video to discuss each question

Session 1: Basics of Thoughts

Session 2: Basics of Feelings

Session 3: Anxiety & Depression

Session 4: Clinical & Spiritual Practices

Mental Health Resources:

The following resources were provided during the Engaging Mental Health with Hope Conference

Practical Tips

Call Lines information

Book Recommendations



C-SSRS Detailed

Emotion Wheel

Columbia Protocol


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Annual Meeting Recap https://www.wvbc.org/news/annual-meeting-recap/ https://www.wvbc.org/news/annual-meeting-recap/#respond Sat, 05 Oct 2024 17:15:20 +0000 https://www.wvbc.org/?p=5841 The post Annual Meeting Recap appeared first on West Virginia Baptist Convention.


In case you missed our 2024 WVBC Annual Meeting at Cakvary Baptist Church in Oak Hill, below are some the recordings from the main sessions. More videos can be found on our YouTube channel.

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WV Baptist Newsletter https://www.wvbc.org/news/wv-baptist-newsletter/ https://www.wvbc.org/news/wv-baptist-newsletter/#respond Tue, 15 Nov 2022 14:15:48 +0000 https://www.wvbc.org/?p=5854 The post WV Baptist Newsletter appeared first on West Virginia Baptist Convention.


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Executive Board Approves Plans for 2021 https://www.wvbc.org/news/executive-board-approves-plans-for-2021/ https://www.wvbc.org/news/executive-board-approves-plans-for-2021/#respond Fri, 15 Jan 2021 14:46:43 +0000 https://www.wvbc.org/?p=4962 The post Executive Board Approves Plans for 2021 appeared first on West Virginia Baptist Convention.


On Saturday, January 9th, the West Virginia Baptist Convention (WVBC) Executive Board met via Zoom to discuss and approve the 2021 budget and slate of officers.  Each of the four commissions (Discipleship, Leadership, Outreach and Stewardship) also met earlier in the day to discuss vision and plans for the upcoming year.

Over the last couple of years, the WVBC has made intentional efforts to improve the budget by reducing expenses while simultaneously expanding ministries.  They have also recently completed a GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) conversion of their books to improve the transparency of finances by showing true ministry costs.  Over the previous two years, the budget had been decreased by more than $41,000, and for 2021, the Executive Board approved a budget that further reduced the budget by another $26,000.  Last year was the first time in over a decade that the WVBC finished financially in the black, thanks in large part to churches and individuals who followed through on their commitments despite a global pandemic.  Newly launched in 2020, the Rope Holder initiative saw individuals give more than $80,000 through the Mountain State Mission Offering.

This was the first meeting led by newly-elected president, Ryan Stoner.  Ryan’s installation service took place on Sunday, November 29th, at his home church of Pea Ridge Baptist Church. Other elected officers included Cari Pauley (1st Vice President), Don Biram (2nd Vice President), Lois Merritt (Secretary) and Todd McClure (Treasurer).    We are grateful for the leadership of Lee Boso, who served as president during the unusual and historic 2020 ministry year.

As we move into 2021, please join us by praying for each of our commissions and these newly elected officers.  Their leadership is vital to our mission of doing Christ’s work together.

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Family Advent Celebration https://www.wvbc.org/news/family-advent-celebration/ https://www.wvbc.org/news/family-advent-celebration/#respond Fri, 13 Nov 2020 15:41:32 +0000 https://www.wvbc.org/?p=4801 The post Family Advent Celebration appeared first on West Virginia Baptist Convention.


Family Advent Celebration

Written by Koreen Villers, Director of Discipleship

Christmas Advent is a time to prepare for the arrival of Jesus!  Advent is a time to prepare ourselves – as well as our houses – for Christmas.  Advent is a time of waiting and expectancy, and a time of contemplation. Advent is a great time to involve our children in faith celebrations at home.

What is Advent?

Advent is a call to followers of Christ to remember the birth of the Savior. The word advent stems from a Latin word that means “coming” or “arrival.”  The season begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas and depending on the year, can range from 22 to 28 days.  Its purpose is to help believers remain focused on the birth of Christ and Jesus’ glorious return.

The advent season is divided into four weeks, and each week features a different liturgical theme.  Traditionally, the first week remembers the hope and expectation of the Jewish people as they looked forward to the Savior’s arrival – and it also reminds believers today to wait expectantly for Jesus’ second coming.  The second week focuses on preparation: Over many centuries, God prepared the hearts of the Jews for Christ’s coming, just as He is now working in our hearts to prepare us for the Christs second coming.  The third week joyfully celebrates the coming of the messiah, and the final week celebrates God’s peace and love.

Why celebrate Advent?

The daily time that you will take with your kids will model what is important to your family.  Slow down the hustle and bustle of the season, and prepare for His arrival.  The time together will be an opportunity to talk more about Jesus in your home.  The change will be noticeable.  Counting down the days till Christmas will shift to the celebrating of the Christ’s coming.


Here are several resources available to families or churches to help in this time of preparation and waiting.  Some resources are free and some have a minimal cost.  Choose one that best fits your family and begin the celebration.

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WVBC Family Virtual Celebration https://www.wvbc.org/news/family-celebration/ https://www.wvbc.org/news/family-celebration/#respond Fri, 07 Aug 2020 13:31:31 +0000 https://www.wvbc.org/?p=4654 The post WVBC Family Virtual Celebration appeared first on West Virginia Baptist Convention.


I would like to invite you to join with your Baptist brothers and sisters from around the state in a special four-part WVBC Family Virtual Celebration, which will premiere October 13, 2020.

It would be easy to think that ministry during this pandemic has been paused. However, as you will hear in the celebration, God has been very active working in and through His people who together make up the WVBC family of churches! Now is the perfect time to celebrate God’s goodness and guidance as we as a Convention family strive in this unusual season to find new and creative ways to “Do Christ’s Work Together!” As the words of the great hymn of the faith written by Fanny Crosby proclaim, “To God be the glory, great things He hath done!”

Richest of Blessings,
Mike Sisson

Family Celebration Schedule:

Each session will last 30-45 minutes and will be full of highlights and updates. Sessions will be streamed to both our Facebook page and our YouTube channel, and the link will also be e-mailed out on the evening of the session.  A detailed schedule of each session are listed below:

Tuesday, October 13 at 6 pm
~ The Executive Minister Address by Mike Sisson
~ A Video Montage of Our Churches Doing Creative Ministry
~ A Church Planting & Revitalization Update by David Hulme
~ The Presentation of the Ward W. Hibbs Award
Click Here to Watch on YouTube

Thursday, October 15 at 6 pm 
~ Parchment Valley Update by Frank and Teresa Miller
~ Brothers’ Keeper 2020 Highlights
~ American Baptist Men of WV Update by Dan Harbaugh
~ Bobby Wood School of Christian Studies Graduation
~ WV Baptist Education Society Update by Lee Boso
~ The Presentation of the James Anderson, Sr. Award
~ Pastors4Pastors Update by Matt Ash
Click Here to Watch on YouTube

Tuesday, October 20 6 pm
~ Celebration of Children’s Ministry by Koreen Villers
~ Senior Adult Ministry Update by Jerry Losh
~ Camp Cowen Highlights by Jill Narraway
~ Greetings from Palmer Theological Seminary by Dr. David Bronkema
~ WV Baptist Historical Society Legacy Story by Todd Godby
~ Baptist Campus Ministry Testimonies
~ Youth Ministry Testimony by Beth Perry
~ Weirton Christian Center Update by Kim Weaver
Click Here to Watch on YouTube

Thursday, October 22 6 pm
~ American Baptist Women’s Ministries of WV Update by Kathy Hudson
~ Global Missions Update/Devotion by Todd McClure
~ Greetings from Various Mission Partners
~ Commissioning by Mike Sisson
~ A Time of Guided Prayer by Lee Boso
Click Here to Watch on YouTube

How to Watch:

You can watch our sessions in any of the following ways:

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Out of This World Salsa https://www.wvbc.org/news/out-of-this-world-salsa/ https://www.wvbc.org/news/out-of-this-world-salsa/#respond Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:10:55 +0000 https://www.wvbc.org/?p=4593 The post Out of This World Salsa appeared first on West Virginia Baptist Convention.


Written by Rowena Sizemore

Out of This World Salsa is a mission project under the non-profit La Casa De La Amistad that provides assistance to women and children in poverty.  Originally started by John and Lisa Simmons, all proceeds go to projects which educate, empower and enable women and children to have a better life.

Field workers in southeastern Ohio pick the tomatoes, green peppers and jalapenos that we use in the salsa. Veterans raise most of our specialty peppers like Hungarians, habaneros and Carolina reapers. Volunteers do the rest, such as chopping and processing the salsa in a USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)-approved kitchen at Parchment Valley Conference Center. We are a seasonal, limited run, second harvest operation that has a lot of fun cooking together.

Bill Stewart and I have both attended process control school to be certified in overseeing the salsa processing. The salsas that we make are: Sweet Salsa with West Virginia Maple Syrup, Mild Salsa, Medium Salsa, Hot Salsa and Reaper Salsa. To learn more about how you can get involved, contact me at rsizemore@mail.casinternet.net or follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/outofthisworldsalsa/.

Over the past year, we have given more than $8,300 to assist women and children in poverty. God has a reason for us to make salsa!

Where to find Out of This World Salsa:

  • Parchment Valley Conference Center (Ripley, WV)
  • West Virginia Marketplace in the Capital Market (Charleston, WV)
  • Black Dog Coffee (Martinsburg, WV)
  • Hawk’s Nest State Park (Ansted, WV)
  • Family Roots Farm (Wellsburg, WV)

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We Did It! https://www.wvbc.org/news/we-did-it/ https://www.wvbc.org/news/we-did-it/#respond Sun, 19 Jul 2020 23:59:50 +0000 https://www.wvbc.org/?p=4535 The post We Did It! appeared first on West Virginia Baptist Convention.


Written by J.D. Reed,
International Ministries’ Global Servant to Bolivia

Just like everyone else, this year has been a strange one for us.  We were planning on returning to the US for our year of US/PR Assignment (more in a minute…) in late June.  Instead, the pandemic changed that and on April 30th we returned to begin our home assignment year a little early.  Part of the challenge of this pandemic has been the funding for the Fundación Proyecto de Esperanza (FPE).  This is where so many of you have stepped up to help us to get things back on track.

In May we put out a plea for help from individuals and churches to make 10,000 masks and help us get a grant from Wheaton College for $10,000.00 to go to FPE and the House of Hope.  Over the course of two months, hundreds of people helped us make masks and I think it is safe to say…WE DID IT!!!  In total, 10,033 masks were made and mailed to Wheaton College!

This grant will go a long way in helping to sustain FPE to continue ministering to the Bolivian community.  We need to say a huge thank you to each and every person who made masks, to Sarah Nash, our colleague in Bolivia, and most importantly to the Lord for providing this opportunity.

Also, we have already begun scheduling with churches to share about God’s ministry in Bolivia.  We would love to come give an update at your church!   We currently have more places to visit than we do Sundays to do it in, so help us be creative about how we can get to your church.  If you have any ideas or would like to begin scheduling us to visit you, email Todd McClure (WVBC Minister of Mission Support) at todd@wvbc.org to get us on the calendar today!

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Ministry in a Time of Quarantine https://www.wvbc.org/news/ministry-in-a-time-of-quarantine/ https://www.wvbc.org/news/ministry-in-a-time-of-quarantine/#respond Tue, 02 Jun 2020 13:30:21 +0000 https://www.wvbc.org/?p=4465 The post Ministry in a Time of Quarantine appeared first on West Virginia Baptist Convention.


Written by J.D. Reed
International Ministries’ (IM) Global Servant

In Bolivia, the entire country is under a governmentally mandated quarantine, and in some cities (Santa Cruz being one of them) the military is “encapsulating the city” to help ensure that all are abiding by the rules of quarantine. In Santa Cruz and other hot spots for COVID-19, the total quarantine lifted at the end of May, but for other areas it is continuing. This plays out as each household can only have one person on one morning a week travel to get supplies, food and pay their bills. As you can imagine for a country that is filled with people who make their living in a day-to-day wage from an informal shop or trade work, this means that for months they haven’t had any income at all, and there is an overwhelming feeling of anxiety about what the future holds. This is mixed with a healthy distrust of those in power and a national election hanging in the balance.

Churches and ministries like ours have been doing everything in our power to minister to our communities, but with limited contact and no transportation it has been almost impossible. For Fundación Proyecto de Esperanza (FPE) also known as the Project of Hope Foundation, the mobile medical and dental clinics have been canceled. Also, all leadership development training and Bible studies have moved online. Many we work with do not have access to this technology. So, what does a foundation do?

After prayer and talking with leaders, the foundation came up with a plan. The husband of one leader is in the national police, so Fundación Proyecto de Esperanza began working with him to help provide much needed resources to the churches and communities that FPE serves. FPE provides an offering to each church pastor to serve their community in a way they view necessary. One particular pastor used their offering to buy food for their entire church family as well as all of their neighbors in a very poor indigenous neighborhood. So far, we have been able to be in contact with all 13 of our supported churches and ministries.

As many of you know, our family decided to return to the United States in late April to begin our year of home assignment. We have already begun scheduling visits to churches and individuals that will begin in late August 2020. We would love to come and visit your church or group. If you are interested in having us come and share, you can send an email to jd.reed@internationalministries.org or rhonda.reed@internationalministries.org. You can also send an e-mail to Todd McClure (todd@wvbc.org). We look forward to sharing God’s work in Bolivia and Latin America with each of you in the near future.

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