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Annual Training Event

By November 19, 2024Event, Uncategorized

Bring your church leaders and join us for a full day of workshops on Saturday, February 1st at Parchment Valley Conference Center.

THEME: Intentionally Engaging Communities for Christ

COST: The cost will be $25 per person . Your registration includes lunch (if registered by January 24th)

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Any registration that comes in after January 24 will not include lunch.

WORKSHOPS: When registering, you will be asked to select one AM and one PM workshop. The workshops are listed at the bottom of this section.


  • 9:00 AM: Registration – Hill Hall
  • 9:30 AM: Worship – Hill Hall
  • 10:15 AM: Morning Workshops
  • Noon: Lunch
  • 1:00 PM: Afternoon Workshops
  • 2:30 PM: Dismissal

*Note: Bobby Wood School of Christian Studies students are eligible to receive course credit for participating in two workshops.

Register Online


Morning Workshop Options:

  1. Short-Term Mission Trip Leader Training (Part 1)
    Led by: Todd McClure and Baillie Myers
    This two-part training will prepare indnviduals to lead short-term mission trips both locally and overseas. It is required for those interested in leading a WVBC endorsed mission trip.
  2. Cultivating Good Soil: Spiritual Disciplines for a Receptive Heart
    Led by: Trent Eastman
    In this workshop, we will explore how spiritual disciplines are like a plow that breaks up the hardened soil of our hearts, making us receptive to God’s work in our lives. Drawing from biblical wisdom and personal experience, we will examine 37 disciplines such as prayer, scripture engagement, worship and solitude, discovering how these practices cultivate spiritual growth and intimacy with God. Participants will learn how these habits help shape us into “the good soil,” ready for the planting of God’s Word, and how they help us overcome the obstacles of sin, distraction and fear, leading to greater spiritual maturity and peace.
  3. The Dinner/Table Church Experience
    Led by: 
    Mark Wood and Evan Arkell
    Hear about the experience of “The Table” Dinner Church, which meets at Spencer First Baptist Church, from Pastor Mark Wood. This workshop will detail how “The Table” developed from their infancy to how they are doing now after nearly one year of table ministry. With time for Q and A, this workshop will also seek to address what a Dinner/Table Church may look like in your context.
  4. Reducing the Risk
    Led by: 
    Koreen Villers
    No child should ever experience the trauma of sexual abuse—and certainly never in a church or ministry setting. Sadly, there are hundreds of allegations made each year over incidents of child sexual abuse in faith communities. Churches, by virtue of their open, welcoming nature, often attract predators looking for a low-resistance environment where they can prey on children. At the same time, there are simple steps your ministry can take to protect children. We all love children and we want to protect them from sexual abuse within our churches.
  5. Grandfamily Support Group Development
    Led by: 
    Phil Parvin
    Grandfamily is a unique subset of our society that has layers of complexity that we are just now beginning to explore. The grandparent caregivers that are tasked with providing the needs of struggling kids, both physical and emotional, are not properly equipped. In this session we will discuss some of the relevant differences that grand families face, and how to establish a support group for the caregivers that will certainly benefit the kids as well. We will share a framework of these support sessions, ways to find participants, suggested materials, and 3 years of experiences.
  6. Walk with Me (Discussion on Bill Mowry’s Book)
    Led by: 
    Rob Ely
  7. Navigating Church Antagonists: Biblical Strategies for Resolving Conflict
    Led by: 
    Jason Robbins
    This workshop seeks to equip ministry leaders to assess and address individuals who actively create conflict within the local church. Attendees will learn to identify the root causes of these conflicts, determine conflict severity, apply Scriptural principles for resolution, and set protective boundaries for themselves and their families. Drawing from the work of pastors who specialize in church conflict (Kenneth Haugk, Speed Lees, & Peter Steinke) this session offers practical strategies to help ministers and lay leaders foster a healthier congregational environment, even when faced with intense opposition.
  8. Leading Change: Moving the Church Forward
    Led by: 
    Mike Sisson
    Many assume people are resistant to change, however that is not necessarily the case. In this workshop participants will receive a deeper understanding of the dynamics surrounding change and receive the tools to help them lead effectively through the process.
  9. The Church and Facebook
    Led by: Dan Londeree
    Since the COVID 19 pandemic, more churches have been utilizing Facebook for live streaming, church communication and outreach. While this social media platform can be useful for Kingdom work, it also has drawbacks. This session will focus on how churches can navigate these challenges and opportunities and use the wisdom of God to determine the best use of Facebook for ministry.
  10. How to Archive
    Led by: 
    Edna Fugate
    Held in the Historical Society Suite of Hill Hall
  11. Church Treasurers and Financial Secretaries
    Led by: 
    Mark Miller and Kayla Starcher
    This workshop will discuss the various duties of both church treasurers and financial secretaries, provide suggestions on how to conduct internal audits and offer an overview of how to fill out the WVBC remittance forms.
  12. Church Clerks
    Led by: 
    Ginny Prunty
    This workshop will cover the various responsibilities of the church clerk, as well as explain two very important forms that each church needs to submit annually to the WVBC office.

Afternoon Workshops Options:

  1. Short-Term Mission Trip Leader Training (Part 2)
    Led by: 
    Todd McClure and Baillie Myers
    This two-part training will prepare indnviduals to lead short-term mission trips both locally and overseas. It is required for those interested in leading a WVBC endorsed mission trip.
  2. Personal Discipleship Through the Bible
    Led by: 
    Rob Ely
    John 15:5 Jesus challenges the people of God to be connected to the vine. The workshop will challenge and teach individuals to study Gods word and become connected to Jesus. To know God is to know his word…to know his word is to know God!
  3. Micro Church / Micro Gatherings—How Do They Work?
    Led by: 
    Evan Arkell
    How are you answering the call to be an everyday missionary? This workshop will seek to explain what a micro church / micro gathering is, what one may look like in your context and how you can get one started.
  4. Improving Church Security: Resources and Ideas
    Led by: 
    David Hoge and Ray Stonestreet
    This workshop will share information on various ideas to improve the overall security of your church and also review information on potential grant funding to support improving the physical security of your facility.
  5. Women’s Ministries in the WVBC
    Led by: 
    Sherry Husted and Koreen Villers
    We will discuss ideas for starting or energizing your current women’s group. Where do you start? What does MOP, Special Project, WV Hope, and WV Blessings mean? What’s new for 2025? This session will help with all those topics and many more for your local church.
  6. I’m Listening: How to be Present When Others are Hurting
    Led by: 
    Kim Harrison
    We all face difficulties of all sizes and intensity in life from day-to-day stress to terrible loss. The Bible tells us to carry one another’s burdens in Gal 6:2 but sometimes that seems hard or overwhelming on how to do that. This session will cover a basic communication tool to help be present and come along side others in their moments of need. Understanding it’s ok that we do not have all the answers, but we can be helpful to others in difficult life circumstances.
  7. Youth Ministry: Exploring Realities of Ministry to Digital Natives
    Led by: 
    Jill Narraway
    Over the last 10-15 years, the rapid transition from “play-based” childhood to “phone/technology-based” childhood has drastically impacted childhood and adolescent development. Using research in Jonathan Haidt’s book, The Anxious Generation, we will explore trends and data to discuss the direct impact on our students and ministry models.
  8. Guiding Your Church to Joyful Service
    Led by: 
    Ed Rogers
    In this workshop, participants will explore how to guide their community toward joyful, fulfilling service. By integrating spiritual gifts with Patrick Lencioni’s 6 Types of Working Genius model, attendees will gain practical tools to help their congregation connect with meaningful work. This approach will enhance volunteer recruitment, engagement, and retention, creating a more vibrant and committed community.
  9. Who Are We?: Exploring the WVBC
    Led by: 
    Jon Villers
    An orientation to the WVBC. Navigating the structure of our Convention as we answer the questions of What is our purpose? Why do we choose to Associate? How do we collect money and where does it go?
  10. The Herald of Hope Chapel Car Ministry
    Led by: Gary and Debbie Higginbotham
    Held in the Historical Society Suite of Hill Hall
  11. Church Trustees
    Led by
    : Mark McCloy
    This workshop is intended for those filling the role of trustee at your church. Practical and useful information will be provided.
  12. Deacons
    Led by
    : Jim Daniels
    Deacon training is for the deacons of your church. the training by prayer and service will enhance your role as a deacon in your church.

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